KAIBAE mBiomeā„¢-BRF.

The red fibers are part of the Baobab fruit and have an impressive antioxidant capacity, also referred to as funicles. They are the most antioxidant-rich part of the fruit. The fibers contain anthocyanidins, gallic acid, tartaric acid, phenols, and flavonoids.


  • Dietary supplements: capsules or powders

  • Skincare as a prevent pigmentation

Reference :

Chiacchio MF, Tagliamonte S, Visconti A, Ferracane R, Mustafa A, Vitaglione P. Baobab-Fruit Shell and Fibrous Filaments Are Sources of Antioxidant Dietary Fibers. Molecules. 2022 Aug 29;27(17):5563. doi: 10.3390/molecules27175563. PMID: 36080328; PMCID: PMC9457770.